
Showing posts from January, 2024


  At my first swim meet after being out of commission, I was scared; the anxiety had been building up for a few days now. What if I didn’t do well, or what if I failed? All the questions were running through my mind. After breaking my foot for two months, I lost all progress I had made in swim. Two years of hard work went down the drain thanks to one injury. But I was determined not to let this stop me. I tried working out my upper body while taking advantage of my new free time by finishing 400 volunteer hours and getting a higher SAT score. After obtaining the clear to go back to practice in November, I tried to ease back into swimming slowly, but it was hard; I was still in pain and going to physical therapy. It also didn’t help that I had finals during that time. As winter break approached, I started training more regularly despite the physical challenges I was facing. Even though I had trained for around a month, I still wasn’t confident in my skills. I knew I had to give it my al